Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mr. Independent

Our little baby has quickly turned into a little boy! He has become so independent, and his personality is really starting to come through. Here's what's new at our house...

1. Saylen will play for 15- 20 minutes all by himself. This may not sound like much, but if you have had a little one this age, you would know that it's nice to be able to just sit and not chase or constantly entertain!

2. He has be come such a good eater! We have never really struggled with food, but this kid eats ANYTHING! It is nice to know that there is always something in the house... his favorites include apples, cauliflower, graham crackers and black beans.

3. Not only does he walk/run everywhere, but he is starting to climb. This morning I caught him standing, both feet off the ground, on the frame of our bed, in an attempt to get up on the bed. This was a bit scary!!

4. He loves to play, but one of his favorite games is to climb up on the chair in his room and have all the animals from his stuffed animal hammock dumped on his head. Then he 'helps' you throw them back up and do it all over again. He also LOVES to chase after his dogs, and laughs hysterically in the process. I think his dad would also like you do know that he can put the ball in the basketball hoop, even on command.

5. Saylen's vocabulary is growing fast as well. He doesn't say much more than 'dad', 'dog', and 'this'... but he understands so much. I am always amazed when I ask him to do something or get something and he totally does it. He knows where to go when you say 'tubby time' or 'lunch time' and he knows a lot of the pictures in his books. The other day I told him he could have a graham cracker if he sat on the couch... as I opened the box to get the cracker out, he was off to the couch, and before I got around the corner he was sitting waiting nicely for me. It was super cute!

No pictures today.... computer has been taken hostage by spyware, so I am posting from the web. Maybe in the next fee days :)


  1. Sounds like you have one busy little man.

  2. Pictures were not necessary, Love hearing all of the stories!

  3. How fun!! Sounds like such an awesome stage!! He is so adorable!
