Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just a Little Haircut…

As I mentioned in a previous post, Saylen’s loss of hair has made him look a bit like an old man! Today we decided that a haircut was necessary to help the little guy look closer to his age – 12 weeks today! I also wanted to get a piece of hair for his scrapbook before it was all gone! Spencer filmed part of the process – check it out…

Overall, this was a pretty successful event. Saylen is quite possibly one of the easiest babies so far. He NEVER cries, unless he wants food, a new diaper, or he is tired! He was super happy when we set him in his chair, but I don’t think he was a big fan of losing the little hair he had left. I was able to get it pretty even, so we decided to cut the guy a break and be done.




Oh, but no… Mommy is a bit of a perfectionist. Saylen fell asleep in grandma’s arms, and I used this opportunity to do a little fine tuning. I am no professional, but it definitely looks better than it did! I hope to leave his hair alone until he needs a real haircut, but it was kinda fun, and I can’t promise I won’t play “dress-up” with my little boy again.


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